Sunday, June 13, 2010

T-shirt designs!

Here are the designs for the t-shirts we are going to sell to friends and family to raise money for our kids' orphanage:

Click on each picture to see more detail.

My nephew Aaron helped to design these - don't they look great?! They will be printed on black t-shirts and we'll be able to order them in any size (from children's 2T on up to a men's 5XL). I have picked out really cute, fitted, long t-shirts for the women and girls, so those should be really cute. I am going to go ahead and print up several different sizes for me and my family to get an idea of what they will look like, then we'll post some pictures on this blog so you can see what they're like before ordering. We will probably charge around $10 - $15 per shirt - all of the profit will go toward buying supplies for our kids' orphanage! I think it will be fun for our kids to see people wearing these shirts when they get here, to see how many people are here to love and support them!

Our kids have been moved from Sodo up to the capital, Addis Ababa. Their passport pictures are being taken tomorrow and that is the last step before everthing is turned over to our embassy. Our embassy then has 15 days to approve everything and set an embassy date. So it's looking like we'll be traveling in 3 - 4 weeks! Yeah! Hopefully now that they are in Addis, our coordinator there will have easier access to them and will be able to send us more picture, info, etc. We'll keep you posted!




  1. I love the shirts.. you should set up paypal or something like that so your far away friends can buy some(me)...I am so excited for your family they are so blessed to come in to such a great big family (cousins.aunts uncles grandparents..etc.)Best of luck to you..

  2. I want some T-shirts.. How do I get them.. They are soooo cute!
