Wednesday, July 28, 2010

And . . . we're off! :)

We finally got our travel approval today from the US Embassy and we leave next Wednesday!!! Yes, that's right - 6 days from now! :) We have made our flight arrangements and we are set to go! I am so excited, but so stressed out having to get ready in one week! I thought I had everything about ready to go, but now I realize how unready I am! But we are so ready to meet our kids (in 1 week!!!) and we now may be able to go to their village and meet their birth family.
So many of you have donated items/money for our kids orphanage and have expressed the desire to donate before we go - so if you still would like to help out, we need to have everything here by this Monday morning! Right now, we still need more of the following:
*Formula - smaller 12 oz. cans - any brand.
*Children's OTC medications - i.e. Children's Tylenol, Children's cold meds, Children's motrin, etc.
*Fruit snacks
*Old happy meal toys - go thru your toy boxes and find any old SMALL toys that still look cool and aren't really lame or have small parts with them. I would love to take over a whole suitcase of little toys.
*Money - we will be buying supplies for 3 different orphanages when go over there (sugar, grain, medicines, bed linens, etc.) so even just a few dollars would go a long way!
Please email or call me if you have any questions about any of these donations!
*T-shirt orders - we are still doing another T-shirt order, but I obviously won't be getting them distributed before we go! I would like to have all the orders in before I leave and I will have one of my friends place the order and pick them up while I am gone. So, if you want a shirt - this is really your last chance!!! I need all orders by next Tuesday night - August 3rd!!!
801 465-0316
Keep our babies in your prayers! And a prayer for my sanity wouldn't hurt either! :)
Love to all!

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